Encouragement from a Veteran Homeschooling Mom

As homeschoolers and parents, it's natural to have doubts and worries about our children and their educational journeys. Take heart! This veteran homeschooling mom has a message of encouragement and support for you.

To all those parents who are worn out, who have to prod their kids to get their work done, who are confused about what curriculum to choose, who have neighbors challenging their qualifications, who think that they aren't doing enough/doing it right I say KEEP GOING, you are doing great!! I home schooled 2 kids through high school and the third until she went to a charter high school- I always felt I was falling short. Believe me- I was overwhelmed by all the curriculum choices while it seemed many others had the next 5 yrs all planned out. I always looked around at the families where it appeared their kids joyfully did their work, wrote fabulous journals, programmed computers, make their own clothes, knew every fact like an encyclopedia, etc and thought I wasn't doing it right. (side note-I realized that many of those folks were struggling, just like I was) In fact, because a situation with my extended family called me away for A LOT of the older girls high school years, they had to do most on their own. Fast forward to now-2 have graduated college (early, summa cum laude) and the youngest is a freshman in college. All 3 kids have had the same frustration at college-at least 50% of the other students have no business being there. They don't know how to write a paper, what "business casual" is, how to manage their time, are afraid to talk to their professors, heck many don't even know the basics of American history, the French Revolution, or basic math! So mom's and dad's- give yourself a pat on the back, trust yourselves and think long and hard before giving up. Don't be too hard on yourself, take a day off, or a week off, because you need a break, your kids want to play in the snow, you need to get caught up on the laundry, the toddler is demanding, or you just want to enjoy some family time....it will all be fine.

by Linda Scott