Support Edelblut for the Next Commissioner of Education

Support Frank Edelblut for Commissioner of Education — he supports educational options in NH and accountability to parents, not the state.

The Executive Council will hold a public hearing next Tuesday, January 31 at 1:00pm in the Exec Council Chambers of the State House. This is an opportunity for public comment — no need for elaborate testimony, but please join us to show support of Mr. Edelblut’s nomination.

If you cannot attend, please call the Executive Council Office to indicate your support for Frank Edelblut for the next Commissioner of Education.
(603) 271-3632 or email the Executive Council members. To identify your district, refer to this map.

District One: Councilor Joseph D. Kenney
Office Email:

District Two: Councilor Andru Volinsky
Office Email:

District Three: Councilor Russell E. Prescott
Office Email:

District Four: Councilor Christopher C. Pappas
Office Email:

District Five: Councilor David K. Wheeler
Office Email:

Mr. Edelblut’s statements on school choice —

“I believe our education system must help each student achieve his or her potential. I strongly support school choice and empowering local school boards to meet the educational needs in their communities. In an age where products and services are moving toward innovation and individualization, why does government insist that all learning become uniform (“Common” Core)?”

The role of the state is not to supplant local school boards. Rather, for those that need help, we need to get them the resources they need. For those that are already getting the job done, the state can function as a “firewall” keeping the federal government from injecting itself into the system where it is not needed. That’s why Frank supports all options when it comes to schools, whether Public Schools, Charter Schools, Home Schools, Parochial Schools, and Private Schools.

We must do everything possible to involve parents in their children’s education so the parents are invested in the outcome and the children receive the best education possible. In determining their own children’s future, Frank and Kathy decided to home educate their kids. The three who have graduated from college are now married and are pursuing successful lives as productive citizens in their communities.

Because of the training—and retraining—opportunities available in the NH Community College System, New Hampshire has the opportunity to have a competitive advantage over other states – and in the world – in the area of Advanced Manufacturing. Many students go on to very successful careers in these fields and this work should be valued. We need to be open to innovative thinking to keep pace with the jobs of tomorrow.

“I love the NH Community College System. These people are getting it done! They are creating a 21st Century workforce. New Hampshire jobs require it, employers value it, and a 21st century can’t live without it.”
